Thing | base class for everything you see in the game |
Container | base class of any Thing that can contain others |
Room | a Container which can contain Actors; any location |
Exit | connects one Room to another |
Actor | a Container which can execute commands |
Player | an Actor connected to the keyboard & monitor |
Monitor | an Actor which echoes anything it hears to the screen (for debugging) |
Effector | a Thing which can be Activated and Deactivated |
Timer | an Effector which automatically Deactivates after a delay |
Garment | an Effector which is worn and removed |
Liquid | a Thing which can only be kept in certain containers |
Countable | a Thing with an integer quantity (e.g., "4 chips") |
NPC | an Actor with simple reflexive responses |
Verb | base class for all verbs |
Transitive | Verb which requires a Thing as a direct object |
Social | a verb with only cosmetic effect (smile, nod, etc.) |
Use | call a Thing's Use(byWhom) method, if any |
DefVerb | Transitive verb executed when no verb is given |
Inventory | give list of what the Actor's carrying |
Get | get a local Thing |
Drop | drop an object (put it in the room) |
Follow | follow another Actor when it moves |
On | Activate an Effector |
Off | Deactivate an Effector |
Look | examine the room or some other Thing |
Put | put a Thing into a Container |
Give | give something to another Actor |
Quit | set pub.gameStatus = QUIT |
Wait | do nothing for a while |
Say | speak the rest of the command |
DbgExamine | view all attributes (use with, e.g.: @ex rock) |
DbgContents | view item contents (use with, e.g.: @contents here) |