What's New with Dendrometer

January 3, 1997
Version 0.7 adds support for printing of both the tracing window and the render window. To make a better printout, the color scheme of the render window has been reversed: the tracing now appears as a black wireframe on a white background.

November 14, 1996
Version 0.6 has been released; it adds better statistics on the segments, including mean and standard deviation for membrane area and volume. I'm considering removing the "Eutectics" export option from the design, since I cannot locate a specification for this format anywhere.

November 4, 1996
Version 0.5 has been released. You can now delete the current point, by pressing the [delete] or [del] key -- very handy for correcting mistakes. The QuickDraw 3D export file now includes an "Exported from Dendrometer" comment. Finally, the file parser has been made a bit more robust when handling corrupted or improper files.

October 22, 1996
Version 0.4 has been released, adding support for VRML Export. The visualization components of Dendrometer are now complete.

October 19, 1996
Version 0.3, released today, adds the first Export format: QuickDraw 3D. In addition, the Rendering Window now resizes to match your image (in the X-Y plane).

October 18, 1996
Version 0.21 has been released -- the minor number reflects minor bug fixes. A bug in the renderer which was causing some distortion has been fixed, as has a bug that was sometimes causing a new document to be marked "dirty" (i.e. in need of saving).

October 17, 1996
Version 0.2 has been released. Save now works, and the Info window now provides more information (including statistics on the traced branches).

October 15, 1996
This web site has been created, to begin the documentation and distribution of Dendrometer v0.1. Current functionality includes reading PICT or PICS files, basic tracing, basic rendering, and copy/paste of trace data to/from the clipboard.

Last Updated: 1/03/97 . . . . . . Joe Strout