
Hodgkin-Huxley ion channel

CONICAL object class#include ChanHH.h
compile ChanHH.cpp
Base Classes
Channelvariable-conductance current
Derived Classes
ChanABAlpha/Beta Hodgkin-Huxley Channel
Member Functions & Variables
real Mexp , Hexp ;
real M , H ;
virtual void UpdateH ( const real dt );
virtual void UpdateM ( const real dt );
virtual void Step ( const real dt );
ChanHH ( VSink * pTo , VSource * pComp , real pMaxG = 0 . 1 , real pMexp = 1 , real pHexp = 1 );
ChanHH ( Compartment * pTo , real pMaxG = 0 . 1 , real pMexp = 1 , real pHexp = 1 );

ChanHH implements a Hodgkin-Huxley form active ion Channel. The channel conductance G is equal to M^Mexp * H^Hexp, where M and H are functions of voltage and time, and Mexp and Hexp are constants (integer by convention, but any value is allowed here).

This is not an abstract base class; you can instantiate it, but it doesn't do much. The UpdateM and UpdateH methods do nothing, which means that the gating variables (M and H) stay wherever you set them. Subclasses should override these two functions.