About the Source Code

Source code is linked to this manual through both the class reference pages and the demos. When viewing the source, please keep in mind the following points.


All source files were written in a monospace font using 4-character tab stops. If your text editor or terminal program sets the tabs every 8 spaces (a common default), then indentation and (especially) comment alignment will be off. Moreover, the lines are generally fewer than 80 characters long, but again, 8-character tab stops will quickly cause this limit to be exceeded.

If you're familiar with Python, you can use tabfix.py to reformat files using spaces and 8-character tabs.

Netscape appears to use 8-character tabs, and (at least in our version) this cannot be changed. So when viewing the source with this browser, please excuse any messy formatting that may result.


The header files are, in general, generously commented. Once familiar with the library, you should be able to discover all you need to use a particular method from the class's header file. The source files, however, have fewer comments, as they are not intended to be examined except by the most intrepid programmers.

File Name Standards

All header files end with a .h, and source files end in .cpp. On some systems, you may have to tell your compiler that .cpp files should be compiled as C++ (though this was chosen as the most widely recognized extension in an informal survey). The base name (i.e., the part before the extension) has been scrunched to 8 characters for all files, and does not rely on case, to maintain compatibility with primitive operating systems. This means that the header file will not always match the actual class name (e.g., the Compartment class header file is Cmprtmnt.h).

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Last Updated: 7/10/96 Joe Strout.